Comedy Bang! Bang! Wiki
Rope Beats Rock
Episode 571
Vital statistics
Release date October 28, 2018
Hosted by Scott Aukerman
Guests Jon Gabrus

Betsy Sodaro
Will Hines

Characters Gino Lambardo

Queen Cleopatra

Episode guide
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"Rope Beats Rock" is episode 571 of Comedy Bang Bang!. Hosted by Scott Aukerman, it stars Gino Lambardo (Jon Gabrus), Queen Cleopatra (Betsy Sodaro), and Idaho (Will Hines). "Rope Beats Rock" was released on October 28, 2018.

Official Earwolf page

Earwolf Synopsis[]

Scott is joined by intern Gino Lambardo to chat about rebooting an A.1. Steak Steak Sauce commercial before Queen Cleopatra arrives to squash rumors that history has spread about her. Plus, rope trick expert Idaho stops by to talk about being hired for crime gangs.

List of Recurring Jokes[]
