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Comedy Bang! Bang! Wiki
Michael Jackson's Ghost
Number of Appearances 4
Played by Paul F. Tompkins
Mookie Blaiklock
First Episode R.I.P. Michael Jackson
Latest Episode Breath Before Death

Michael Jackson's Ghost is a character who has been played by Paul F. Tompkins and Mookie Blaiklock.


List of Appearances
Episode Release Date Other Characters Guests
388: Breath Before Death 11.23.15 John Lennon Neko Case, Mike Hanford, Mookie Blaiklock
267: That Wasn't It (I'm Back) [Hee Hee] 1.27.14 Mookie Blaiklock, Neil Campbell, Jerrod Carmichael
255: A Visit from Hee Hee-ll 11.11.13 Rob DelaneyMookie Blaiklock
9: R.I.P. Michael Jackson 6.26.09 R.O. Manse Dax Shepard, Chip Pope, Neil HamburgerPaul F. Tompkins