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An example of a 2010 Nissan Sentra

The Hammer Nissan Holiday Naughty or Nice Nissan Sentra Car Giveaway Contest is a bi-annual contest currently being conducted by Norm Hamer as a marketing stunt. The contest is notable for how many of its challenges have ended in ties, and as a result, the contest has been ongoing since 2010 without a winner. The prize of the competition is a 2009 Nissan Sentra (refurbished, no tread). The Nissan Sentra to be awarded to the winner of the competition has been used by Norm Hamer since 2010 and has, reportedly as of December 2016, 70,000 Japanese miles, 40,000 sea miles, and 12 American miles.

The contest started with a drawing, or visual art contest, in 2010 (in which contestants competed with sketches or watercolors of the Sentra). In 2011 contestants raced running around the Sentra. 2012 was a deviled-egg eating contest, Ming and Jones both passed out after finishing some amount of eggs in a dark room. 2013 was a hands on a hard-body contest. All competitions resulted in a tie between Ming and Jones.

Current finalists:

Ming, of Sherman Oaks and previous CBB guest, hopes to win the Sentra so as to no longer be a Scrub

Keith Jones, of Carlsbad, who has already won 5 cars in 2016. Jones is a professional "hands on hardbodies" competitor.
