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Frank Wonderbread
Number of Appearances 1
Played by Shaun Diston
First Episode 2022 Tour, Providence
Latest Episode

Frank Wonderbread is a character played by Shaun Diston. He is the CEO of Pepsi Corp (short for Corporation, not Corpse) and was appointed when Pepsi hosted a "CEO for the day" contest and the actual CEO went missing after climbing in the alps. Mr. Wonderbread is constantly receiving phone calls from one of his "guys"; ie. his viagra guy, his brick guy, his gravedigging guy. Frank's catchphrase is "Make it so."

His parents were the owners and creators of the Wonderbread Bread Company. They were killed when Frank was very young (the O in CEO stands for orphan). He did not receive any inheritance after their death because they wanted every cent to be buried with them; any further revenue from Wonderbread is added to their graves which are dug up every fiscal quarter.


List of Appearances
Episode Release Date Other Characters Guests
2022 Tour, Providence 8.23.22 Kevin Attenborough, Chippy Dipps, Doug Gropes Ted Leo, Paul F. Tompkins, Lily Sullivan, Ryan Gaul